Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stop. Reflect. Move Forward

"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try" -Seth Godin

I don't remember the last time I stood in front of a camera. It has never has been one of those things I like to do. In my last photography class when I did self-portraits my classmates used to always say I look like i'm hiding from the camera and not really showing who I was or what I was trying to portray. Don't get me wrong, I am infamous for taking photos with my iPhone, but with my Canon it's another story.  I prefer  to be behind the camera shooting someone with more confidence than shooting myself. So today I decided to do self-portraits of myself, maybe to progress to a photo shoot a week. I'm looking at it this way, once I gain confidence in myself I will be able to put that confidence into my design work and then I'll go from there.

I chose this photo out of the whole 20 photos I took because I thought it portrayed me in this moment of life more than anything else in this world. I am hesitant, scared to show my face, even biting my nails out of nervousness. For the first time ever I'm also looking at the camera face on. If you looked at any of my past self-portraits (flickr) that has never really happened.  This is basically how I feel about my life right now in this moment. I'm looking at my the choices life has set out for me taking my future straight on, a little nervous and scared. I don't really know what the results will be, but I am looking forward to the adventure and learning more about myself as a person and as a designer.

-Diana Marie

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© Dee Marie Designs
Maira Gall